What was 2022 like for the people of Kyrgyzstan?

At the end of the year, it is customary to summarize the results of the outgoing year and to share expectations for the coming year. What was 2022 like for the people of Kyrgyzstan?
On the eve of the New Year 2023, the M-Vector company requested the Kyrgyz people to share the results of the outgoing year and expectations for the coming year. Respondents were asked questions about the outgoing year: how it was for their family and for the country in comparison with the previous year, and what important events were captured in mind.
According to the overwhelming majority of Kyrgyzstanis, the outgoing year was generally successful. 83% of respondents believe that the year was "good for the country", and 88% assessed the year as positive for them personally. The opposite point of view or "the year was bad" was held by 14% of respondents, speaking about the country, while 11% about themselves personally.
And that's not all. There is more interesting data, which we will share with you after the New Year holidays. Keep an eye on the tape for more!