CASE: how to turn a customer's complaint into your favor
Any company, regardless of the field of activity, sooner or later faces customer dissatisfaction. Today we will tell you how we work with claims at M-Vector.
Issue. In our practice, there was a case when we received a complaint from a customer. One of the respondents of a survey complained to the customer that our survey was conducted incorrectly, and the interview itself was designed incorrectly.
Solution. An integral part of the quality control system at M-Vector is the preservation of audio and video recordings of the data collection process (telephone surveys, focus group discussions, tablet surveys, etc.). The stored data allows you to track the work of specialists at each stage.
After receiving the customer complaint, the M-Vector team immediately raised the record database and provided the customer with an interview with the same respondent who was dissatisfied with the quality of work. Each asked question was analyzed. As a result, our customer was convinced that no violations were identified: each question was correctly asked, and the questionnaire reflected the essence of the purpose of the study. Our customer realized that the complaint was caused by the subjective opinion of the respondent, which, apparently, did not reflect reality at all.
Customer attitude. Our customer liked the solution of the issue so much that the customer still tells this case and recommends us as a reliable and responsible company, despite the fact that several years have passed.
The described case is an example of the smooth operation of the M-Vector communication and quality control system.