

Social network analysis to prevent radicalization

Social network analysis to prevent radicalization

Recently, the problem of radicalization and violent extremism has increased in Kyrgyzstan.

Search for Common Ground is running a project called TaasirLink: “Citizen Narrative Campaign”. This project aims to create a network of social influencers which positively influence vulnerable young people from Kyrgyzstan to build communal resilience to radicalization and violent extremist recruitment.

"M-Vector" has implemented a unique study, the results of which formed the basis for further development of the project.

Target audience: population of Kyrgyzstan (young people) aged 14 to 36 years.

Main objectives of the research:

  • Recognize intervention programs and services in relation to social media and social networks
  • Identify networks of individuals, programs, and services that influence and interact with target audience
  • Identify credible messengers (people influencing the formation of views and attitudes)

The research was conducted in two stages.

Component 1

  • Desk review of the required literature and key project documents;
  • Pre-quantitative research (qualitative research). 24 KIIs with local self-governance bodies and local NGOs, regional divisions of international NGOs and UN agencies;
  • Quantitative survey with 1112 young respondents in target settlements.
    (Saruu, Jeti-Oguz, Alla-Anarov, Nariman, Bek-Abad and Arslanbob villages)

Component 2

  • 14 KIIs with influencers identified through quantitative survey;
  • Content analysis of the social networks of influencers.

The research identified the most important influencers among celebrities, industry experts, leaders and content creators, micro-influencers in communities, and there were given strategic recommendations for the TaasirLink project development.

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